This year, we did a few things a little different for Christmas. We had such a blessed time with our families celebrating the real reason for the season. What good news . . . . Jesus comes to all who are willing to accept him.
Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:11
Now for the details of our celebrating . . . . .
On Christmas Eve's Eve, we went over to Daniel's parents to do our gift exchanging with them. We also exchange gifts with Daniel's brother and his girlfriend Amanda (more on her later) on this night. Of course, you might have guessed that Daniel received North Carolina apparel from his brother and Amanda, and I got a pregnancy message and a gift card. I can not wait to take advantage of both of those. From Daniel's mom and dad, we were all given money. I have already spent mine of 5 beautiful, much-needed maternity dresses. I think Daniel is saving his for a stroller (Ha!).

We all had a very exciting time opening presents, but the real excitement came after we left to come back home. Avery asked Amanda to marry him. Yea! We are so excited for them both.

On Christmas Eve, both of our families came over to our house for Christmas Eve dinner. After all the yummy food (thanks to our moms), we opened presents from my family. Again, Daniel got North Carolina apparel, and I got two houses to add to my Christmas Village.

My sweet sister and her family came bearing gifts for Babyboo. I am so excited about the Snuggle Nest. I had read about this particular product online and had it on my list of things to register for at Babies R Us. Thanks to Shannon, Randy and Makayla, I now don't have to!

We spent Christmas Day morning at our house, just the two of us! We didn't really have time to do much after a good night's sleep, because Daniel had to get busy making Sausage Stars (not traditional Christmas food, but they were a special request) for Christmas dinner with all of his side's extended family. After eating another yummy dinner, we played Dirty Santa. Daniel was soooooo excited because his name got drawn last. His chose to pick $25.00 and a honey bun (I really wanted the honey bun), and I ended up with a Wal-Mart gift card.
When we returned home, we opened presents from each other. I bought Daniel Titan's apparel to wear to the games. He bought me slippers with grippers on the bottom (for the stairs, I think), a gift certificate for massages (to rub out the soreness from my fall), a new sport's watch (to monitor my heart rate while I exercise), and Super Mario Brother for the wii.
I really liked this Christmas schedule for us! I hope we can keep it next year when BabyBoo is here. I look forward to her spending time with both our families during the holidays, but I also will be excited for our family time together.
On Saturday, my mom and I hit the after Christmas sales. Take a look at some of the cute things we purchased for the little girl.
This is my collaborative teacher, Ms. Lisa.

We have this little saying at school that we use often that goes like this. . . . . Ms. Lisa says, _________________. Well, Ms. Lisa says she never wants to see BabyBoo without socks. So, we found these adorable shoe/socks at Dillard's in Huntsville. If we always have to have on socks, they might as well be cute ones! Don't you just love them!

Finally, here are a few of my favorite purchases from the day.
A Sweet Christmas Dress

Green and Gold for the Trojans

Cute Little Snowflakes

Something Musical

As you might have noticed, I added a new survey. Please vote for the bedding you like best for BabyBoo's room. Remember, the nursery furniture is black. Don't be afraid to vote as I can't see what you choose. I just would like some different opinions on deciding what to purchase so we can get on with the room painting! If you would like to see bigger pictures, you can do a google search. Just type in "Crib bedding" and the name of the bedding you want to see (such as Taylor, Harlow, etc.). Have fun looking, and I can't wait to see what you think!