How far along: 29 weeks
We saw Dr. Rivero today. He said everything looked great, and I measured 28 weeks. Baby Scout's heartbeat was 140. He told us that the preliminary results of the glucose test looked good and there was no reason to think that I would need the three hour test or any more bloodwork! Yeah! Now we start going to the doctor every two weeks and at 35 weeks, we will go every week. Oh my! How close we are getting to the arrival of Baby Scout.
Speaking of Baby Scout, we sort of got to meet her today. The sweet, little girl who does ultrasounds for Dr. Rivero lives in our sub-division. She just happened to be out walking last night when I was walking Chipper. We got to talking, and she said that if we came in at three today, she would work us in for our 3-D ultrasound. I was like WOOHOO! So, we went early and Baby Scout half-way cooperated, and we got to see some of her sweet face. Since we didn't get to see her full face, we get to try again at our next appointment! WOOHOO again! So . . . . . here is our sweet baby girl (the best I can get with my camera)!
Here is what Baby Scout is up to these days:
*Baby Scout is 203 days, and we are 72.5% through
*Baby Scout has about 77 days left in my belly
*Baby Scout is approximately 15.2 inches and about 2 pound 14 oz
*Baby Scout has grown about another 1/4 pound in the last week
*Baby Scout now begins a rapid growth phase and will begin to put on nearly 1/2 each week
*Baby Scout's wrinkled skin is now smoothing out
*Baby Scout's organs are all fully formed and functioning well
*Baby Scout's bone marrow has taken over production of the red blood cells from the liver
*Baby Scout is urinating up to two cups of pee-pee a day!
*If Baby Scout was born today, her survival rate would be 90% and her rate of serious medical complications would be 30% (I hope Baby Scout makes it to the end of school)
*Baby Scout is about the same size as a butternut squashTomorrow is picture day at school! Oh boy! I have to go now and try to pick out something that does not make me look like a complete cow! Hope you have a Happy Thursday!
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