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Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Great Date Experiment - Date One

A few days ago, I blogged about a girl named Jennifer Francis who was doing a give-a-way on her blog for a pair of cute, baby shoes. Recently, she also blogged about something interesting her church was doing with their young, couples ministry called the The Great Date Experiment. After reading a little bit about it and watching the short video, I decided that maybe Daniel and I could give it a try as well. So . . . . if you are interested in participating too, don't read ahead because you will want the parts of the date to be a surprise! Although the first date was scheduled for Valentine's Day, it is not too late to get started. Just click on the link above, print off the first date, and go for it! After you are done with the date, come back and read about our date if you like! Leave me a comment if you decide to participate as I would love to hear about your date!

Some of you will cringe when you find out where we went for dinner. . . . yes, we went to McDonald's. We choose McDonald's because that is where Daniel says he is going to take me if I won't pick a place to eat when we are trying to decide. Needless to say, it has a been a long time since we had a meal at McDonald's together but it was kind of fun.

Part of the directions for the date were to let the cashier choose what you were going to eat. Yes, she looked at us like we were crazy and then picked our food. During the meal, we had several things to discuss. For example, we had to say rather we would like to be able to fly or to move objects. Some of these were sort of interesting. The last one was would you rather be too hot or too cold. Little did we know this would lead to something in the next point of our date.

Yes, we had to turn the temperature in the car to way too hot or way too cold while we drove to a special place. Since it is cold enough to snow, guess what we chose.

Unfortunately, the weather outside was a little frightful tonight, and we had to be creative in choosing our special place. So, we chose the hospital. Strange choice, I know! But, we chose it because it will be the place where Baby Scout will be born in May. You can't get any more special than that! While at our special place, we had to discuss different things that will help us make our POINTS about issues we are struggling with in life and marriage.

The next part of the date was to go to a grocery store and pick out a dessert for your spouse that he or she has never tried. The rules were that you had ten minutes and two dollars. Of course, we went to Wal-Mart. You also had to tell why you chose that particular dessert. I got Daniel a Choco Taco because he loves Mexican food, and he got me a Dove Bar with almonds because I have been craving almonds like crazy during pregnancy. Both were very yummy!

After dessert, it was time to head home. The last task was to do something to permanently punctuate your date. We decided to carve our initials into the one tree at our house.

Overall, this was a pretty fun date. It was sort of interesting to break out of the mold and try something different than our usual sporting events or out to eat. It will also be interesting to read about the dates of others who are doing this as well, and I will post links to any blogs of others that I find are participating and blogging about it.

Now, we are back home. I am blogging and Daniel is watching the NBA All-Star game. He has decided that the NFL needs to take notes from the NBA about half-time entertainment. The NFL, of course, had "The Who" which was a little disappointing, but the NBA had Shakira and Alicia Keys. Very entertaining! And now . . . . .back to the game!

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